Negotiating salary and promotions

NegotiatingAside from the skills that you need to do your job, learning how to negotiate your salary and promotions is one of the most valuable tools you can have.  Especially these days when the labor market is full of people who would love to have your job.  Getting a raise, just like getting the position in the first place, is a sales job.  You have to convince your boss that the value you are bringing to the company is worth more than the money (and benefits) you want to be paid, and worth more than the time and effort it would take to replace you.  The time that you put in to build a strong case will pay off in the end.  Also, it helps to realize that your boss may not be making the final decision, but may have to propose and defend your raise to others.  Help her out by providing a strong argument.

A note before we begin.  What you 'want' or 'need' is immaterial.  You can't go into a salary negotiation saying "I want $60,000 a year" or worse, "I need a raise."  Doesn't matter.  What matters is the benefits the company gets by you staying (or the challenges it faces if you leave).

Read on for some salary negotiation tips:

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