Upcoming workshops

Thu, 05/28/2015 - 16:37 -- dougk

I had a great time at UCSB and UC-Irvine talking to students about The Enjoyment of Employment and helping faculty to Guide Your PhDs to Nonacademic Careers.

Here's where I'll be next:

Jun 23-26: I'll be at the Graduate Career Consortium Annual Meeting in NYC.

Jul 22: I'll be offering my new workshop 'The Buck Starts Here: Negotiating Job Offers and Salary' at UC-Berkeley.

Aug 25-26: I'll be presenting two days of workshops to grad students, postdocs, and faculty at the University of Wisconsin at Madison Graduate Student Orientation.

Sep 10: I'll present a full day of career counseling workshops to postdocs at the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, MD.
Sep 15: UC-Berkeley students will hear 'Handling Conflict Inside and Outside the Lab'.

Jan 7 (2016): I'll present 'The Enjoyment of Employment: Finding the Right Organizational Culture' at the annual joint meeting of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Assn of America in Seattle, WA.

I hope to see you at a conference or workshop. Please forward this email to friends and colleagues. Also, I'm happy to arrange additional workshops in the Midwest, Northeast or Northwest while I'm there.  Contact me if you are interested.

Best of luck,
Doug Kalish

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