What is organizational culture?

I can give you an idea of what corporate culture is by giving you some questions to ask about an organization:
    • Does the organization appreciate and accept diversity?
    • Are employees treated fairly and rewarded for their accomplishments?
    • Are employees proud of their work and enthusiastic about the company?
    • Do employees understand the corporate strategy?
    • Does the company's brand reflect the company values?
    • Does the company openly communicate policies and company issues?
    • Do the company leaders provide strong and unified leadership?
    • Does the company tolerate, or even encourage, political infighting?
    • Does the company encourage questions about its mission, strategy and tactics?
    • How are disputes between employees and departments resolved?
    • Is the company investing in its employees with training and promotion programs?

Cultures can also be strong (where everyone understands and follows the culture) or weak (everyone does their own thing).  Companies with strong, positive cultures are great places to work.  Companies with strong, negative cultures (e.g., highly political, ruthlessly competitive internally, confrontational) are hell on earth.

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