Who Are These Guys? Working with Other People

CheerleadersCongratulations!  If you're reading this, then you probably have a job.  Now the fun begins.  In college you mostly worked by yourself and were graded on the result of your effort and ability.  Maybe you had a couple of labs or projects where you had to work with a small team.  How'd that go?  Did you end up doing all the work?  Was there one guy who didn't do anything or just put out garbage? How did the group make decisions?  Any friction or romantic entanglements?  Did you find it easy or hard to work with other people?

Being in a company means you're part of a group.  You'll probably be on project or task teams; you're a member of some department (like R&D or Marketing), maybe you're in one of many locations of the company.  Like it or not, you have to find a way to work with the other people in the group.  This dougsguide is going to help you figure out how to get along with those guys - even when they are jerks.

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Submitted by olivekilworth on

Thanks for this guide! As a member of a growing not-for-profit theater company, I can tell you that these strategies for project management and dealing with "difficult" people totally apply to artistic organizations, too; ESPECIALLY when dealing with anxious and finicky directors, designers and actors, or when running production and general staff meetings. Artists are generally heart-centered people, so we're usually pretty good about Agreeing, Empathizing, and Inquiring... but it never hurts to have a reminder, especially when it gets down to the wire and we're all stressed. The show must go on, but it doesn't mean we have to mean to each other!