Enjoyment of Employment

Happy workers slapping five

Finding the Right Organizational Culture

People look for different things in a job: one person might want to change the world, while another just wants a paycheck.  Matching your work personality to the culture of the organization is one of the prime factors in workplace happiness.  In this workshop you'll assess your workplace personality which we will then match against different work environments to see what kinds of organizations are compatible with your work style.   We'll end with a checklist and timeline for starting your job search so that you'll be fully prepared when the time comes.

Why waste time applying for jobs you'll hate?

Here's a link to the online assessment tool I developed based on Tamara Erickson's "archetypes of work-related passions".


Feedback from the workshops:

"I attended your session on the last day of the National Postdoc Assn Annual Meeting and it was one of the most useful sessions I attended."

"It was great meeting you at the Beyond Academia conference! I'll be working full time as a User Experience Researcher at ... after I finish my PhD, so listening to your career advice was very helpful and you were a great and inspiring speaker!" 

"Your seminar was probably the most helpful of the day to me personally, lots of good things to think about."

"Doug was very prepared, knowledgeable and helpful."

"Doug is realistic and gives great advice on how to find a job."

"I appreciated most the actionable items (e.g. arrange informational interviews)."

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