Demanding Boss

Demanding boss

Your boss is pressuring you to complete a report by the end of the week.  You think it is at least 10-14 days of work:

Her: "I want this report done by Fri."

Think about this before scrolling down for a suggestion.  Remember: Agree-Empathize-Inquire.




Well, the wrong thing to say is "No frigging way.  It's too much work."  How about this:

You: "I know this is important and you are counting on having it done.  I think this is two week's worth of work."

Her: "I don't care.  I need it by Fri."

You: "How would you suggest we handle this?  Can I get some help?  Is any part of the report more important, so I could focus on that first and have it done by Fri?  Maybe we should think about the schedule and talk again in an hour to see what can be done.  I'm sure we'll find a way to get you what you need."


You can't make good decisions if you are feeling pressured.  It's ok to tell the other person that you feel pressured and need some time to think about the issue - but do not fail to follow up!

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