
How to Tell Your Advisor You're Leaving Academia

Mon, 03/21/2016 - 13:55 -- dougk
Leaving the lab

While most jobs for PhDs these days are outside of academia, some PIs and graduate advisors are still having problems accepting that their PhD students and postdocs may be leaving for nonacademic jobs. At the recent Beyond Academia 2016 conference, Els van der Helm moderated a panel of faculty who discussed how and when to discuss career options with your advisor.

What Does Industry Look For in a PhD Candidate?

Thu, 01/14/2016 - 09:29 -- dougk

Industry recruiters and lab leaders talked to a roomful of grad students and postdocs at the 2016 Joint Mathematical Meetings in Seattle about what it takes to land a nonacademic job. I think their advice applies to all PhDs looking for nonacademic employment, not just mathematicians.

The recruiters spanned the spectrum from industry giants like Microsoft and Boeing, to small software and consulting startups, to government agencies like the NSA. There was surprising consensus about how PhDs should prepare and present themselves.

Finding a Nonacademic Career-Friendly Graduate Program

Thu, 01/14/2016 - 09:19 -- dougk

As an undergraduate applying to graduate school, you may have your heart set on a research and teaching career in academia. That's great. But understand more than half of PhDs today are taking nonacademic jobs - and by the time you get your degree in 5-7 years, that number is bound to increase. Why not apply to the programs that acknowledge the realities of graduate careers and support whatever decision you make?

National Postdoc Assn Annual Meeting Poster

Tue, 12/01/2015 - 09:26 -- dougk

Finding the Right Organizational Culture: What Postdocs Want - People look for different things in a job: one person might want to change the world, while another just wants a paycheck.  Research shows that matching your work personality to the culture of the organization is one of the prime factors in workplace happiness. Because most postdocs haven't had experience in non-academic environments, they may be surprised by the diversity of workplace cultures outside of academia.

National Postdoc Assn Annual Meeting Workshop

Tue, 12/01/2015 - 08:43 -- dougk

Resources for Faculty Advising PhDs Considering Nonacademic Careers - More faculty are accepting and promoting nonacademic career alternatives for their graduate students and postdocs. But for some faculty without extensive industry experience or contacts, it’s difficult to offer advice and counsel to these students. This workshop provides information and tools that Grad Student and Postdoc Offices and Associations can provide to faculty who want to mentor their PhDs to the opportunities available and additional skills required for a successful nonacademic job search.


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